Darkness on the edge of town (50.2021)

It feels like it's been grey forever. The days are short and never really light. The cloud hides the sky most of the time. I lose track of the days. On Tuesday I think, at least it's the weekend tomorrow. But it's not. On Wednesday I think it's Friday, but it's not. What day is… Continue reading Darkness on the edge of town (50.2021)

Travel in a time of Covid-19

We read all the instructions several times to make sure we'd covered everything. Vaccination proof? CheckMadeirasafe website information completed? Check Airline check-in done? (although with much cursing at the airline's rubbish website on my part) Check (Although the airline website generates a document that declares "This is not a boarding pass. Please check in at… Continue reading Travel in a time of Covid-19

The last week of… something (28.2021)

This was the last week of Covid restrictions in England. Or most restrictions at least. From Monday 19th (referred to by the stupid as "Freedom Day") nightclubs and sports stadia and concert venues can open at full capacity; scanning a barcode for track-and-trace is no longer required; social distancing and one-way systems are no longer… Continue reading The last week of… something (28.2021)

Before and After (27.2021)

I'm disappointed that I'm late again with getting this week's post published. Sorry, but my weekends that should be my writing and reading time are being eaten up by jigsaws. Pointless gesture of the week: the Queen awarded a medal to the National Health service (NHS) on the occasion of their 73rd anniversary. Not on… Continue reading Before and After (27.2021)

Four twenties ten (19.2021)

Anyone who has ever learned a foreign language will find certain aspects of the learned language amusing. Perhaps it's the concept of gender applied to inanimate objects - why is a table feminine? But one of the weirdest things I've seen is that the French words for 70, 80 and 90 are sixty-ten, four-twenties and… Continue reading Four twenties ten (19.2021)

Hell in a tall hat (18.2021)

Any week I don't get my post out an a Sunday I feel disappointed in myself. Especially when I didn't spend Sunday engaged in anything else more important - unless jigsaw making and gardening and reading count as more important? Actually gardening felt quite important as the spring weeds have also sprung and are growing… Continue reading Hell in a tall hat (18.2021)